Apex Legends pros can’t believe Crypto isn’t being nerfed in new patch notes

Apex Legends pros and players are disappointed that Crypto hasn’t been nerfed in the Space Hunt event, especially after it was claimed he would be.
At the start of Apex Legends Season 22, Respawn Entertainment finally showed some much-needed love to Crypto. The surveillance expert, who has been around since Season 3, has been incredibly underpowered for quite some time, and the new tweaks sought to change that.
When he now uses his drone, Crypto goes invisible thanks to his Off the Grid ability. Despite making a noise while invisible, this change has frustrated many players and Respawn has already been urged to nerf him.
Alliance player John ‘Hakis’ Håkansson said that the devs had realized Crypto’s invisibility was too strong and would be nerfing it. However, that change won’t be coming in the Space Hunt event, which has annoyed some pros.
“No mozam nerf or crypto nerf,” Team Falcons star Philip ‘ImperialHal’ Dosen tweeted, attaching a set of laughing face emojis.
Hal’s analyst on Falcons, Priv4cy, was also a bit dumbfounded by the lack of a nerf. “No Mozam or Crypto nerf,” he added, including a crying face emoji.
Priv4cy did also note that Crypto will “suffer” from the new Ultimate Accelerant changes. “Surely crypto will suffer from ult accel thing. Bang players are now forced to take the ult cooldown perk,” he continued.
“Wished they’d nerf crypto so Valk would get more shine, the current crypto + 500m scans is just unpunished info,” Complexity coach kapremeee chimed in.
“Didn’t expect much from a mid-season patch, but not touching the Mozams or Crypto’s invis doesn’t sit right with me after what we just saw at LAN,” one disappointed fan added.
Other players stated that Crypto will remain a part of the pro meta moving forward and that he won’t be nerfed unless his pick rate picks up in casual play as well.
So, we’ll just have to wait and see on that front.