Apex Legends leaks suggest Rosie could be next legend after Crypto

Joe Craven

A new fan theory surrounding Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends has emerged, specifically concerning unannounced legend Rosie, and her background. 

One aspect that Respawn Entertainment’s Apex Legends has been criticized for is the speed at which they have dispensed DLC, including releasing new legends for players to get their hands on.

In the 6 months since it was released, only Octane and Wattson have been added as playable characters, and players are eager for more.

Octane and Wattson are the only two legends who have been added.

As with any popular game, data miners and leakers have been hard at work to predict new content that is to be added to the game. While all signs point to the upcoming addition of ‘Crypto’, it looks like there might be more in the pipeline. 

Rosie is a – as of yet – completely unconfirmed legend, only being hinted at in data mined files.

Reputable leaker ‘That1MiningGuy’ has shared his theory, after Respawn employee, Tina Sanchez, shared a photo of an actor in a motion capture suit, potentially for the new legend Rosie. This contrasts to the generally accepted theory that it was in order to create more Crypto footage. 

The image of an actor in a motion capture outfit sparked new speculation.

Rosie was initially found by a different leaker, along with information on Octane, Wattson and Crypto. 

That1MiningGuy suggests that recently added legend Wattson was tutored by Rosie, when she was growing up in King’s Canyon. 

He also states that the actor is not big enough to motion capture for Crypto, strengthening the argument that it is related to Rosie. 

The only image we have hinting at Rosie – so far.

While we are only a month or so into Apex’s second season, it certainly seems like there is a lot of content on its way. 

It’s important to remember that Rosie herself has not been confirmed by Respawn, never mind any aspects of her background or lore.

It’s unlikely we’ll see her added anytime soon; particularly with all signs pointing to Crypto being on his way.