Apex Legends dev reveals 1v1 is coming back to Firing Range
Respawn/EAGold Knockdown Shields being removed from Apex made it impossible for players to face each other in the firing range, but developers confirmed that 1v1s are returning.
Gold Knockdown Shields are a hot-button issue in the Apex community. Respawn removed the controversial item in Season 14 after players labeled it overpowered. The item blocked 750 damage for downed players and had a passive self-revive ability, making it tedious to eliminate enemies entirely.
However, removing the item made it impossible for players to face each other in the Firing Range. without the ability to self-res, players return to the spawn at the top of the Firing Range, which became an inconvenient practice experience.
Apex developers are not bringing back self-res but will make it possible to host one versus matches again.
Apex Legends devs confirm 1v1 returning to Firing Range
Pro Apex player Resulltuh asked for Gold Knockdown Shields back in the firing range, so one versus ones would be possible again.
Hosting Firing Range matches was an excellent way for players to warm up, improve their skill with specific guns, or learn the game’s movement mechanics.
Apex Legends Senior Producer Josh Medina responded, “Nah, but we are fixing it so you can 1v1 again in FR.”
Popular streamer Aceu jokingly said he would come out of retirement if it meant bringing self-res back.
The former Apex pro criticized the developers for removing Gold Knockdown Shields to appease pro players.
Apex players can’t agree on whether or not Gold Knockdown Shields belong in the base game, but an overwhelming majority want Firing Range matches back.