One Piece to get historic new time slot after anime hiatus

One Piece has been airing almost every single week for 25 years now. During this time it has only had one significant change to its time slot, made during the Enies Lobby Arc.
Until now. Following the unexpected and unprecedented news of a six-month hiatus, it has been officially confirmed that when it returns it will no longer be airing at the normal time of 9:30am JST (12:30am GMT)
This is because To Be Hero X will be taking its place, an intriguing new anime in which faith determines the degree of power that a superhero will have.
When will One Piece return?

While One Piece is confirmed to return in April 2025, very little is known about what will happen, other than the highly anticipated Egghead Arc and the story with Dr Vegapunk coming to its climax.
It is a very exciting time for manga readers, with Egghead Island standing as one of the most fast-paced and thrilling arcs post-timeskip. We can all wait on the edge of our seats, however, as the incredible work by Toei Animation in the past few seasons has given us a cinematic experience to look forward to with almost every episode.
While six months without One Piece has been a hard blow to take, rest assured it will return with more flair and pizzazz than ever, as the team at Toei has been given the space and freedom to give us the masterpiece we all want and deserve.
One Piece fans should watch this special
One Piece aficionados need not despair however, as the old fan-favorite Fishman Island Arc is being remade into a 21-episode special (cut down from the original 57-episode run,) complete with new opening and ending credits.
A pivotal and emotional season now made even more exciting and fast-paced, it is the perfect distraction as we eagerly await Eggman Island.
Sadly, this will be without the beloved voice actor of Franky Kazuki Yao, as he has announced he will be stepping down from the role. We hope whoever replaces him will bring all the energy and love to the role that viewers know so well.
If you’re a manga reader, find out what went down in One Piece Chapter 1133 and read more about the ongoing Land of the Gods Arc.